- Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) is a globalized program in regard to course content, sources of teachers, internship institutions and future employment. As part of International College, JMC not only recruits students with superior English ability, but also multilingual students from all around the world. We also provide multilingual projects to give our students more practical opportunities. In the future, one of our goals is to cultivate professional foreign language emcees. For furthering their studies, JMC students can also apply to New Media and Communication Administration Program to study at Ming Chuan University-Michigan Location.
- Through JMC courses, students will understand basic principles of journalism and mass communication, comprehend the responsibilities and ethics of journalists, and employ advanced technologies to carry out professional duties and master useful communication techniques for mass media. In JMC program both theory and practice are important. Therefore, we not only provide comprehensive courses, but also organize practically-oriented media courses and well-organized internship programs to cultivate students’ abilities through hands-on experiences in people skills and media operations.
- In addition to the basic and practical journalistic skills that enable our graduates to enter into the media world marketplace, we instill in students the self-confidence to collect, process, analyze, and use information so they learn to listen, communicate, and express themselves. Moreover, JMC trains students to analyze, compile, produce and report news stories.
- 新聞與大眾傳播學位學程除了以全英語授課,以及提供全英語學習環境外,在課程內容設計、師資來源、實習機構、未來就業等面向去實踐傳播全球化的理念。在課程規劃方面,本學程畢業學分需求為128個學分,聚焦在新聞敘事、數位影音、廣告公關、及傳播與社會等專業。除理論講授外,並輔以實務實作,配合校外實習及畢業專題製作,培養學生紥實及專精的核心能力。在師資安排上,本學程聘請國內外具有教學與實務經驗的人才,結合理論與實務,增強學生的組織力、表達力及溝通技巧,融入國際事務、跨國文化交流及互動,培訓出具有全球視野的國際傳播人才。在實務操作部分,配合課程,安排學生使用媒體設備,並與國內外媒體單位合作,完成至少288小時之實習時數,讓畢業能馬上與國內外產業接軌。