數位行銷管理學分學程 Focused Course Program of Digital Marketing Management
課程架構表 Curriculum Framework
序號 No. |
課程名稱 Name of Course |
科目代碼 Course No. |
學分數 Credits |
開課單位 Responsible Teaching Unit |
1 |
管理學 Management |
99405 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC 國企學程 IBT 時尚學程 FIM |
2 |
行銷管理 Marketing Management (時尚行銷 Fashion Marketing) |
99213 (25214) |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC 國企學程 IBT 時尚學程 FIM |
3 |
電子商務 E- Commerce |
99524 25338 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC 國企學程 IBT 時尚學程 FIM |
4 |
消費者行為 Consumer Behavior |
99232 27312 25230 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC 國企學程 IBT 時尚學程 FIM |
5 |
服務行銷 Service Marketing |
99241 27435 25354 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC 國企學程 IBT 時尚學程 FIM |
6 |
國際行銷 International Marketing |
99223 |
3 |
國企學程 IBT |
7 |
廣告學與品牌溝通 Introduction to Advertising and Integrated Brand Communication |
27122 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC |
8 |
行銷原理 Principles of Marketing |
27212 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC |
9 |
多媒體製作 Multimedia Production |
27223 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC |
10 |
時尚數位行銷 Fashion Digital Marketing |
25350 |
3 |
時尚學程 FIM |
11 |
整合行銷 (JMC)/ 整合行銷溝通 (IBT)/ 整合行銷傳播 (FIM) Integrated Marketing Communication |
27446 91144 25249 |
3 |
傳播學程 JMC |
Students who study in this program need to complete at least 21 credits of the courses listed in this curriculum
and at least 6 of the credits are to be not from those courses which belong to their original department, group,
degree program, or minor.